What does the Teacher Expect of Students?
- Demonstrate a positive and eager attitude
- Prepare written and keyboard assignments
- Bring all required materials to every lesson
- Practice daily, including the evening of the lesson
- Complete practice chart with parent’s signature
What does the Teacher Expect of Parents?
- Provide:
- a quiet practice area
- an acoustic piano, tuned yearly *
- adequate lighting
- a metronome
- seating with the correct bench height for the student
- a foot stool if student’s feet do not touch the floor
- Establish a daily practice schedule
- Listen to practice sessions frequently
- Read and sign the student’s assignment notebook each week
- Ensure the student arrives and departs on time
- Pay tuition on the first lesson of every month
- Facilitate attendance at lessons and other scheduled events
- Attend classical concerts with your child
What should the Student and Parent Expect of the Teacher?
- Demonstrate a positive and eager attitude
- Display knowledge and expertise in the field
- Maintain membership in National and Local Music Organizations
- Facilitate student participation in area music events
- Prepare piano repertoire for concert performances
- Exhibit knowledge of current teaching materials, techniques and ideas
- Attend workshops, meetings and conferences for continuing education