Elizabeth Mueller Grace is available to conduct workshops in a variety of lengths and formats.
All can be presented independently or combined with Master Classes and Technique Clinics.
A Sampling of Workshop Titles
- Beyond Scales and Hanon: Navigating Chords and Octaves
- Fingering Strategies to Enhance Musical Meaning
- Musical Destination — Technical Journey
- Pedaling: An Under-taught Tool
- Pianistic Gymnastics: Mastering Trills, Broken Octaves and Leaps
- Technical Tools: Fundamentals that Create a Solid Foundation
- Do You Hear What I Hear? Secrets of Voicing
- Tone Without Tension: Creating a Soundscape People Want to Hear

- From Method Book to Mozart: When to Introduce What?
- Repertoire Warhorses: Using Musical Favorites to Improve Technique
- Self-Diagnosis: Teaching Students Problem-Solving Practice Strategies
- Trials and Triumphs of Transfer Students: Diagnostic Tools to Ease the Transition
- Underappreciated Gems of the Contemporary Literature
For further information, please contact Elizabeth Grace.